
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

[LCFW] 6.XX PRO-B7, 6.39 TN-A

Harini aku nak share update custom firmware yang paling latest. Homebrew Enabler ataupun HEN oleh Total_Noob telah pon berjaya di-port kan ke firmware terbaru iaitu 6.39. Dikatakan Hen ini sama seperti Hen nya yang sebelum ini, cuma di update untuk menambah support bagi firmware terbaru. Dikhabarkan juga, Total_Noob telah meninggalkan dunia psp, dan Hen ini merupakan Hen dari TN yang terakhir. Semoga TN mengubah hati beliau supaya tidak meninggalkan dunia psp, beliau merupakan psp programmer yang amat banyak berjasa semenjak Hen pertamanya iaitu 6.20, kerana sebelum itu tidak ada developer yang berjaya hack firmware 6.00 dan keatas. Beliau merupakan developer yang pertama berjaya membuat Hen untuk firmware berkenaan.

Disini beberapa changelog dari PRO:
  • Repaired nodrm engine DDFF012 crash problem when viewing DLC ​​
  • Repaired inferno in GTA ChinaTown, Corda2f irregularities
  • Updated scePower_driver NID
  • PRO will automatically reset the configuration upgrade
  • Allows the loading of DA PSP-packer compressed user module
  • Added UMD VIDEO MOUNT, no boot disk (currently only use the PSP UMD)
  • Added CIPL Flasher (for 6.39 only)
  • Added Chinese (non Latin1) ISO file name support
  • Added memory stick acceleration
  • Added ISO caching in inferno and NP9660 mode
6.35 PRO Features
  • Dump UMD Images to ISO
  • Dump PSN-Bought Titles to ISO (using NPDecryptor)
  • UMD-4-Homebrew Support (Thanks to ardi)
  • CFW Folder Hider (fixes DJ Max Portable 3 and possibly other titles)
  • Dump PSN-Classic Decryption Keys
  • version.txt FW-Revision Fake Support
  • Supports new firmware Titles
  • PSN Support
  • ISO / CSO Playback Support
  • PSN Classic Sharing Support (Decryption Keydump required)
  • Custom PSX EBOOT Playback Support
  • Permanent Bootloader Support (on 6.20 version)
  • Recovery Menu Support
  • XMB Satellite Support
  • Overclocking Support (including WLAN fix)
  • High Memory Unlock Support (for 2g+ models, including 5g pause game fix)
  • Plugin Support
  • NID Resolving Support (1.XX, 3.XX, 5.XX, 6.XX)
  • Homebrew Playback Support
  • Multiple ISO Drivers (M33, Inferno, NP9660)
  • Registry Hack Support (Unlock WMA, Unlock Flash Player, X/O Button Swap)
  • PRO NoDRM Engine (use decrypted DLCs for your games)
  • 5g IoPath Fixer (to improve compatiblity to old plugins on PSP Go)
  • Region Fake Support
  • MAC Address Hider
  • Gameboot Skip Support
  • Bootlogo Skip Support
  • USB FlashProtect Support
  • EBOOT Picture Hider (decreases loading time of EBOOT thumbnails)
  • 5g Savestate Anti-Delete Feature (prevents savegame deletion on game resume on PSP Go)
  • USB Battery Charging Support (for 2g+ models)
  • Custom HTML Viewer Save Locations (/ISO)
  • Extended KUBridge for Developers (Kernel Range Peek / Poke Support)

  • Repaired nodrm engine DDFF012 crash problem when viewing DLC ​​
  • Repaired inferno in GTA ChinaTown, Corda2f irregularities
  • Updated scePower_driver NID
  • PRO will automatically reset the configuration upgrade
  • Allows the loading of DA PSP-packer compressed user module
  • Added UMD VIDEO MOUNT, no boot disk (currently only use the PSP UMD)
  • Added CIPL Flasher (for 6.39 only)
  • Added Chinese (non Latin1) ISO file name support
  • Added memory stick acceleration
  • Added ISO caching in inferno and NP9660 mode
6.39 PRO Features
  • Dump UMD Images to ISO
  • Dump PSN-Bought Titles to ISO (using NPDecryptor)
  • UMD-4-Homebrew Support (Thanks to ardi)
  • CFW Folder Hider (fixes DJ Max Portable 3 and possibly other titles)
  • Dump PSN-Classic Decryption Keys
  • version.txt FW-Revision Fake Support
  • Supports new firmware Titles
  • PSN Support
  • ISO / CSO Playback Support
  • PSN Classic Sharing Support (Decryption Keydump required)
  • Custom PSX EBOOT Playback Support
  • Permanent Bootloader Support (on 6.20 version)
  • Recovery Menu Support
  • XMB Satellite Support
  • Overclocking Support (including WLAN fix)
  • High Memory Unlock Support (for 2g+ models, including 5g pause game fix)
  • Plugin Support
  • NID Resolving Support (1.XX, 3.XX, 5.XX, 6.XX)
  • Homebrew Playback Support
  • Multiple ISO Drivers (M33, Inferno, NP9660)
  • Registry Hack Support (Unlock WMA, Unlock Flash Player, X/O Button Swap)
  • PRO NoDRM Engine (use decrypted DLCs for your games)
  • 5g IoPath Fixer (to improve compatiblity to old plugins on PSP Go)
  • Region Fake Support
  • MAC Address Hider
  • Gameboot Skip Support
  • Bootlogo Skip Support
  • USB FlashProtect Support
  • EBOOT Picture Hider (decreases loading time of EBOOT thumbnails)
  • 5g Savestate Anti-Delete Feature (prevents savegame deletion on game resume on PSP Go)
  • USB Battery Charging Support (for 2g+ models)
  • Custom HTML Viewer Save Locations (/ISO)
  • Extended KUBridge for Developers (Kernel Range Peek / Poke Support)
Minor update: Fixed PSN crash issue.

TN-A dikatakan tidak banyak perubahan, cuma update dari 6.20TN-D


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